{slide=Where can I find supplies for making my own kitchen products?}
Liquid castile soap is available at health food stores and online. Our momsAWARE Online Store offers a pure, fragrance-free bar soap that can easily be used to make your own liquid castile. Vitacost also offers an excellent selection of castile soaps.
Washing soda can be found in the laundry aisle of most Walmarts and many regular grocery stores. It is also available online from vendors such as Amazon.
Borax is also found in the laundry aisle of most stores.
{slide=What type of grapefruit seed extract do you recommend?}
It is critical that 100% pure GSE is used. We recommend the NutriBiotic brand found at health food stores and online. Vitacost is one online vendor that carries it.
{slide=Where do you suggest I buy bottles and jars?}
Mason jars are readily found at Walmart and Ace Hardware stores. More specialized jars can be found at websites like Sunburst Bottle Company.
{slide=How can I avoid a cloudy residue on dishes when using the homemade dishwasher soap?}
This is common. Try reducing the amount of powder or liquid and adding white vinegar to the rinse agent dispenser. You may even want to throw an extra cup of white vinegar in the bottom of the dishwasher.